
Legyen szép napod

2024 October 22.




  • Wed

  • 14.5°C

  • Thu

  • 16.2°C

  • Fri

  • 16.6°C

Vámosatya – Protestant church

The church, consecrated to Saint George, was probably erected at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. In 1565, the late Gothic church was taken over by the Protestants. They had whitewashed the walls, and the original ornamentation was only revealed as a research project conducted in the 20th century. Next to the churchhouse, a 26.5 meters tall wooden belltower is found. From the gallery the peaks of the Carpathians are visible in a clear weather.

Cím: 4936 Vámosatya Szabadság u. 103